Me and Mistletoe have had an interesting history... When I was 3, I chased my dog around the house, hovering Mistletoe over it's head, trying to kiss him....when I was 7, I was chased by a boy at school who was holding the green plant, trying to kiss me, and I kicked him.... The plant often appeared during my highschool years and almost ended up as a tattoo of course....what girl would not want Mistletoe creeping up her ankle?:) When I was 21ish and just beggining my art carrer, It grew in a tree just outside of my art studio window, and I climbed that tree and cut it from the tree, and sold it to make rent:)
Yesterday I saw it.....
Hanging in a door way....
Practically singing to me...
I felt like a small bird trapped in it's Nostalgia.....
I just wanted to take the time to twirl my skirt for the sake of Nostalgia and Holidays....Forming your own traditions.... Creating those memories.... Taking joy in the uniqueness of the children around you, and the joy that settles in your smile when you see the simple things taken beyond words and the ways of the world...
I send all of my kisses to you Mistletoe.... from me at 21...& at Yesterday.... the change of life, and with that the growth we take...the small decisions that form the bigger tree.... The people we meet and learn to love, then take away the unique joy of their time given....
I Love you Mistletoe....for being a symbol of something small, grown within memories to be something great:)
This image was actually inspired by my lovely friend Samantha Crain...& her amazing self:) She has a little drawing on her Dashboard of literally, a pile of Ghosts:) I thought I might try to take my love for her, & that image....& create this capture:)
So there ya go:)
Did you folks know I am building a HUGE garden this year....should be about 10 raised beds....I will use my minor in Plant Propagation for good and do some green house work and start a huge garden:)
I have been in the market for a new kitchen table for a while now, but as many of you know, I am very pickey when it comes to my antiques:) I have looked high and low...allllllll and there...& everywhere:) But, as if Magic, while out on a stroll one day in the Woodlands of Hobart....I came across a amazing dream that through ways I can never tell, I recieved in the form of a present:) Because I never would have been able to afford it in reality :)
My New Gnome Table:)
I know!!! It looks strait out of Snow White:)
When I saw it, I thought maybe the Gnomes who were going to feast on it a bit later were busy at work Harvesting Cotton or something:)
Speaking of Cotton...Meet my new cat Cotton:)
I know...A bit Ghost like...He is kind of creepy..I am not going to lie...but very lovable...he is the kind of cat that hast to sleep right under your chin or curled against your side... But goodness gracious...he is whiter than my white walls...& creeps around as if running from something I can not see...he has been at Early Bird Acres three days now and he might just need the new name of Powder:)
But yes...The Table...It was made by an Old Man by the name of Donald....I do not know his last name...& he lived in NE Oklahoma:) He made 5 of these tables in his lifetime, and this one was the last he made before he died...
...& I believe he made it for me, and did not even know it...this sweet old world simply sang to him one day "Make this table...Just So"..& he did it:)
But yes..I adore it and can not wait to host my first dinner party with fits perfectly through the front door, so I can carry it into the garden this spring for latenight dinners with Beeswax candles and yummy creations:)
Just tooooo much fun:)
With the continuation of new art lovely days, lets now take a gander at a pretty capture:)
This image was inspired by the book "All The Pretty Horses" and life here at Early Bird Acres :) This is a Handkerchief that goes with my favorite dress and I like to pretend that my sooner or later going to be mine horse is just around the corner... Grazing on some meadow grass just beyond the tree I am laying against:)
As I mentioned in my last post, Deluxe went really well....& one thing I was surprised that did so well, were my Gnome Homes:)
I have been making Gnome Homes for a while now, but only for myself:) I enjoy placing them on book shelves or scattered amongst picture frames:) Encourages the kids to smile and my friends to laugh:) I make them in many glass items....Mason Jars....old lanterns....jelly jars....& light Bulbs....& recently glass ornaments :)
So.....I thought it would be fun to also offer them online :) & from now to New Years, free with every Adoption of a piece:) Fun Huhh:)
They are made with dried Meadow grass and Woodland Moss...real moss:) it smells very sweet:)
They are also stuffed with cut out hearts from my lovely old books..encourages the gnomes to rest for a while:)
Maybe soon I will show you all my personal Gnome Home Collection...very fun:)
Anyways, as also promised, here is some more artwork:)
Thank you too all who came out to Deluxe craft show On Saturday...It went just sooo darn well....I can not even begin to tell you how happy I was...Happier than a peach:) Your words....your sweet words that gave me more warm fuzzies than I can express:)
I would Also like to say how exctatic I was to get best booth!! I could not understand what Sara was saying at first when she brought over the little tiny book and said that I got best booth.....But when It finally came to light in my brain, I think I might have squeeled :) Ohhhh Goodness gracious.... I was just happy to Represent Deluxe in the best way possible:)
In addition, I had more than a dozen people who talked to me who said they were sad because I was not releasing my new artwork to you folks...One lovely lady explained to me that my new artwork was just always something she looked forward too and without it she just didn't know what to do...At first I laughed and blushed...then she said "I'm serious...." and then she grabbed my shoulder and looked into my eyes and said "Samantha Joelle Honey us at least a few dear"......It sounded like something my brain was trying to say to
Here ya go my loves:)
From now until Christmas, I shall be introducing new captures!!!!
...& I would adore your feedback On the new captures:)
I am working a lot with Handkerchiefs Lately...I adore the transparency of all of them and such:) All the colors....How the light dapples across their surface..Ooohhhh so lovely:)
But yes...Keep your eyes open for new things coming your way:) I love you all more than you can imagine:)
I have had the pleasure of working with the band "Sleeping At Last" now for about 4 years. They have not only been a lot of fun to hang out with, cut out paper clouds, eat at classen grill, fall in love with Ryan's amazing mom who is just sweeter than a peach, roam around parks, talk about every aspect of the creative world....but they have been an inspiration.
Not only are they two of the hardest working people in the music world that I have met, they are a constant stream of support. For my last project called "The Perpetual Picnic", Ryan O'Neal from "Sleeping At Last" created a lovely Instrumental track for the soundtrack that plays during the Instillation. It has become a favorite of patrons. It has so far been played in exhibitions in: *Chicago *Lovely San Francisco *Austin *New York
The last date was San Fran and a older guy asked me kindly if I would play it about 4 times in a row....I was happy to do so:)
This lovely month, the "December" volume of their "Yearbook" project was released. I was more excited than my donkey Fred seeing a basket of apples and carrots, when I saw that they were releasing a version of "From The Ground Up" with lyrics.
It was and is SO sweet an wonderful:)
This is also a great opportunity for me to encourage you folks to go and support your independent musicians :) I could go on and on about supporting your artists of crafts and paintings and such...but you could always go ahead and buy a loved one, a subscription to Sleeping At Last's "Yearbook" project. That is the kind of gift that would give your loved one a gift every month!! Very unique and very Lovely:) I have nothing but love for those boys and I adore what they create:) some of you also might know, Ryan did the Forward for the second edition of my poetry book "Harmonicas & Honey" :)
I have added to the Early Bird Acres family and was given 5 Americana Hens:) They are only pullets, but very soon they will be laying up a storm:) The integration process has gone very well and they are well on their way to becoming one happy family in their quaint coop:)
Now I go to you, people of the land, to help me name them:) I asked my friend Daniel to help, but he dropped the ball!!
I shall be introducing one chicken at a time here on my Blog, and first I would like you to meet chicken A... the gray, white and black one:)
I took some pictures of us with photo booth:)
Things you might need to know first is, I name all of my chickens after counties in Oklahoma:)
Click here to see a list of the counties in Oklahoma:)
She is the nicest of the bunch and the most personable :)
Just leave your sugestion of names in my comments:)
Ones I have already used are: *Pottawatamie *Canadian *Sequyah *Alfalfa *Kiowa *Haskell
Custer is not useable, because the chicken by that name crossed to the other side:(
I hope you all had a lovely thanksgiving....I know I did:) This is the first year in a long while that I was not away on buisness and I convinced the whole of my family that they needed to come to the farm...and they did:) I got a really great picture of me and my two brothers...I will try to post that really soon:) I just need to start taking more pictures at family functions honestly....i am bad at that :)
I sure do have some lovely news folks......
In about a month and a half, I turn 26....the last 3 or 4 months I have been thinking about age and time...and all that one person goes through and what kind of visible and non visible marks that life leaves....
In celebration of change and all that becomes new, if you wish it so, I am starting a new art series that concentrates on not only a few of my older pictures and lots of new ones, but on the lovley presentation.... Pairing my life of living in a cottage with bearded Gnomes, with the study of tree rings:)
Yes:) "Lovely Dendrochronology" is an in depth series on my love for the circles found in trees, and for the lovely things in this sweet old world that create my own tree rings:)
I promise here on the blog to do the best I can do when it comes to documentation of the series and such.....I shall be working on it nearly every day for the next two months:)
I have been studying tree rings for the last three years and have become well versed in understanding what each color, break and width of ring means, according to the type of is a very facinating subject that often brings me inspiration.... I took the time to really sit down and think about why that is so...
It is because of the grain honestly...the color and the grain I try to imagine as a mirror....I have a medallion of walnut in my room that is exactly as old as I was when it was chopped down...23:) So much beauty in the grain alone..
...& then you compliment it with captures, & I find myself happier than a peach:)
Here are some sneak peeks of one of my early pieces:)
I shall hang all of the pieces at "Cuppies & Joe" on Tuesday the 18th of January :) One day after my birthday:) there shall be no fancy opening, just an opportunity for you all to come and see the pieces :)
Now I am off to go and write about a tiny bear I named Birch and feed the Hungry Gnomes who are staring at me through my picture window:)
I send my love and kisses on foreheads your way Darlin Dears,
With the help of a few friends, including Tree & Leaf.... I have an actual t-shirt:)
I am using them as a fundraising tool for the show in the spring in Holland....a dream come true...hopefully to unfold in a lovely cent at a time...I have a special account set up for it and every spare cent goes into the dream account:)
To learn more about this lovely American Apparel shirt, go here....& you can even order one there:)
I am here at Early Bird Acres for at least a solid week, so I promise to try to produce some lovely blog posts for your enjoyment:) & possibly even a new podcast:)? can go here to adopt your very own "Cheers, Beards & Banjos" shirt:)
Ooohhhh my goodness gracious…what a lovely weekend☺ Not only was Thursday AMAZING because of my best friend Jenny Kress and out antics I can not show you for another week…hehehe….I also had the perfect Saturday & Sunday because my new friend Jordan, who is an amazing musician….& my lovely lovely intern Kati came to the farm☺ In addition, a very kind group of hunters camped out next to my barn and they also were able to enjoy Early Bird Acres☺ I just adore productive weekends!!
Here is a list of what I did: *Hand Dyed clothes pins with Berries, Flowers & Grass…about 400 of them☺ Thank you for your help Kati!!
*Played California speed and lost horribly (card game..I am slow…I am better at poker☺
*Prepared 100 envelopes for prints☺
*Made up 2 new dishes for my cook book☺ One consisting of Egg noodles, Tomato Bisque & Diced potatoes ☺
*Made tags for my soon to be introduced t-shirts☺ Thank you again Kati☺
*Went antiquing for civil war items for a photo shoot (Good eye Jordan☺
*Cleaned out my wood shop from top to bottom (thank you Jordan…you helped me out more than you know)…
*Made breakfast for my lovely visitors and a hunter or two who was camping at Early Bird Acres☺ Bacon and Sam Lamb’s special eggs☺
*An AMAZING photo shoot near some lovely bails and morning prarie grass☺
*I also saved 3 turtles along my drive from the road…two were upside down towards the middle… I do brake for all turtles & will help when I can…
*Stayed whole-hearted about everything and loved people to the best of my ability…
…I did lots more, but my brain is not all here…Lovely weekend☺
pics to come my loves:)
Last Monday though I had a guest come and stay at the farm for a spell…the fiidle player Daniel….
*He helped me plant my peach trees
(I Patched those darn pants the next day...I also embroidered my name and hearts along the cuff just to be frustrating...oh well..he can roll them up if he wants to hide it around other people)
*He ate my Pumpkin Pie:)
*He took the camera in hand and took a capture of meadow me...note my muddy knee from planting trees...somehow my dress survived the red dirt..but heck..I wear that dress to ride horses:)
(he bought the beer and we used his shoes as a koozie:)
I also have a video of our picnic...sorry about my finger being on the lens most of the time:)
Oooohhh life.... Haaa...
Right now....with my art...with my new to me farm...with my Rosie and Peach young life.... with my whole-hearted ways I try to live... with my determination to give my best to my friends and family....with my work with young kiddos trying to teach them creativity and the joys of life... with the saving of animals..... with truthful ways....with my trusting ways.... with my naive ways... with my broken and then blooming again ways...with my "I shall build an art cottage" ways... with my "I shall be in the farmers market next year" ways... with my beginning bee keeper ways.....with my "I can spin my own honey" ways... with my "I am about to publish my first real novel" ways... with my pastoral ways.... With my "I have a rooster with merricks disease and the rest of my chickens might have it too" ways...with my "I play the banjo and the half size cello horribly and only to my wheat and garden" ways.... with my truly seeing someone for who they really sadly were ways....with hearing someones words but never believing them again ways... with my "I accost tree cutters for their prime wood on the side of the road" ways... for my "I plant peach trees in red dirt while wearing cream lace" ways... with my thankful ways.... with my friendship with my amazing fellow feather in this ink well of a world friend" ways.... with my perpetual picnic ways...
I am happier than a peach.....
Going into this fall and then winter, I hope to #1...not get trapped in my cottage again without food or heat for 2 weeks with Namonia :) #2....Get the dang editing of the novel done...goodness gracious.... #3. Quilt and embroider up a storm:) #4. Prepare the way for my huge garden and makeshift green house:) #5. Still be my Disney self, but don't follow every interesting sound into the Forest that is life...because not everybody and everything is whole-hearted.. #6.Work a lot with my new wood projects:) #7. Learn how to build frames and handles for magnifying glasses:) #8.Go see my oldest friend in the world Matson Contardo upon his return/visit from Africa (we met when we were 13 in the black hills)..i sure do miss him a lot..& I am prouder than a peach of him:) #9.Have more house guests #10.Build a huge wall size book shelf in my house!!:)
I know this most was all over the place, but so are my smiles:)
You my loves...I hope have a lovely day...I send kisses to all of your foreheads :)
Every house in the south, if you reside on a farm, should have a mud room. When the boys and gals come in covered in all manners of farm goodness, it is the perfect place to remove those particles of clothing before it is tracked into my is a barrier of where the dirt begins and ends:) But I wanted to share with you all my Mud Room:)
....This is the Mudroom as a whole:) it changes a lot according to what art I have and what pieces of furniture are not being used as a display for art:)
....This is the stack of books and honey that seems to perpetually stay on my table...I just grab a book as I walk out the door and the honey stays Readily available to me:)
.......& here is the corner:)
.....but of course you can not have a mudroom without a precious scruffy cute puppy to adore it:)
...& the place holder of my boots:)
So now I also present to you, cute captures of the notorious Rosie and my walk way on the side of the house:)
Ooohhh....& here is one of my favorite Anthropologie finds....i think they should sponsor me actually:)
...& while we are at it, some shots of my laundry line:) My slip, my dress and the classic borrowed flannel shirt...
Last but not least, the bike i just restored and put back together..if you can find me a good vintage metal basket for the front, I would love you forever (not that i already do not) was in 4 or 5 pieces in the old metal barn...this is a very old Schwinn from the 50's...early 50's... I am proud of it so far..there is more to come:)
Well....that was fun....wish me luck on the morrow..i shall be searching for a cheap belt sander:) I need to create:)!!