As many of you might know, (or maybe might not know) my parents raise Lowline and regular (full-size) cattle. These cows are adorable and loving and soooo much fun:)
We have 3 donkeys that run with them....(at least the ones in Yukon where my parents live) & here of course, our Fred is the protector!!:)
Here is a video from when I first got Fred:) We like sharing food:)
but anyways, you might have noticed on my profile page, there are two blogs:) One, I started for my parents, so they could keep people up to date on their cows:)
Well, they have finally found the time to start blogging and I believe will start doing that next week:) They put up one post about the new baby that was born:)
It is not completely is good enough for now:) my favorite gadget of course was this one:)
My Dadio also used all of his I know I can make this pretty good if i try really hard skills and made a lowline website for the family:) All by himself:) I personally adore the bark background:) I am very proud of them...they are doing great:) & I am sure they appreciate all of my hard work;)
So go over to my parents blog and leave them a nice comment:) Welcome to the great world wide Internet and say a kind word or two:) It would really mean a lot to them:)
Again....I wanted to remind you all that i shall be announcing some big news next Tuesday:) big big news that people will take every which way:) I am very excited about it really...a new way of doing it all:) is planting time here at Early Bird Acres....the wheat is going in the ground and in a few weeks, the cotton shall be harvested :) This is also one of my favorite times to fall asleep under trees:) Yes, In the spring I enjoy walking the meadow and witnessing all that is new, but the perfect warm swells and cool breeze of the lovely Indian summer make for a perfect picnic under the trees:)
I often will grab a couple of my quilts and a pillow, then curl up into a tired nest and fall asleep in the mid day:) Wake up to a canopy of trees and the sun saying "So...what kind of dreams did you have? Do you feel like baking a pie now...if so....I will try my hardest to light your kitchen just so.....give it that certain je ne sais quoi that makes you smile and sing Disney songs"...
Isn't every day like this though....
But...I had a lovely time these last two days on picnics under my pecan trees:)
Here is a video of one of them:)
Note: My polaroid camera... I am a proud user of polaroids from The Impossible Project :) I find their ghost like images they produce very lovely:) Many of my latest polaroids will be used in a project for next spring:)
Here is Rosie, who joined me on both days:)
She has been spending more and more time at my little cottage:) She now begs to sleep inside almost every night....
oohhhhh that little cutie pie:)
Here is my outfit from the first day:)
I know..I look like a rag-a-muffin..... mostly because my hair kept getting caught in the pecan tree branches:)
Also..hence... the next 2 self portraits :)
The hair is everywhere....especially in the back of my donkey fred also tried to eat it:)
Also....I have some interesting news to inform you about next Tuesday my darlin dears...very interesting news:)
Kind of a big deal for my brain and all things Early Bird Acres:)
Welllllll...i wish you all a lovely rest of the week and i send all of my cotton tail love your lovely way:)
I am happier than a peach to finally present to you my new pieces from the Meadow Meanderings show!!!!!:) Goodness Gracious.....i put more love into these than you can imagine.... the whole process of finding the lovely pieces of wood, sanding them to a butter finish, creating the shadow boxes, picking the appropriate images to go with each piece of wood, having my whole studio smell like pine sap and cedar, trying very hard not to spill coffee or raw milk everywhere when I get excited about a finished piece and then finally seeing them hang on the wall and how they turned out better than I even expected...I wanted to keep them for my own cottage:)
I have the pleasure this week of being the featured artist on "The Ardent Sparrow" and I am just happier than a peach about this:)
We are doing a giveaway of a 8x10 or smaller print:) Lovely Lovely:)
I found this amazing blogger (Rebecca) a while back when I followed her information after she purchased one of my coffee table books:) I instantly sent her a message of love love love and then we chit chatted about meadow me doing a Giveaway on her adorable blog:)
I just wanted to share this with you all and know I adore you..I wish you were all here with me right now in the meadow eating Tomato Bisque soup and Havarti Cheese:)
Thank you to all who came to the show:) It was a lovely hit and it was sooooo great to see so many faces:) & a special thanks to my intern Kati for helping me out with the show:)
...I had literally been up for days and was running on ZERO energy, but luckily I was at the lovely Cuppies & Joe for my show, so i was able to go on with the help of many cupcakes and cups of coffee (& amazing spiced cider made with their secret recipie) ...
Here are some images from the show:)
This is the overall view of my print table:) A little bit of this...a little bit of that... light filled:)
I had a great time giving away wild flower seeds with every adoption of a capture or book:) I harvested them on the farm:)
Greeting Cards!!!!:)
I did not get around to taking captures of all of the pieces, because we were darn busy, but, here is 3:)
Oooohhhh and adorable log cabins and fresh flowers:)
The Meadow Meanderings show is TODAY!!! I shall be up at Cuppies & Joe most all of the day, so do come say hi if you get the chance:) I am just sooooo darn excited to hang up these pieces:)
My Intern Katie shall be helping me too:) are some images of the Pieces:)
"Can A Picnic Balance On Your Limb My Dear Tree"
"Pillows For The Perpetual"
..........I bet you wish you could see shall just haft to come on over to cuppies & joe:) In the next few days though, special pieces shall be post in my online store for you all to enjoy and possibly purchase if you find something you can not live without:)
This Autumn is lining up to be very interesting my dears.... lots of new shows and new happenings....
I promise to post captures from the show today, on the lovely Blog:)
Now something i would rather not talk about, Because it hurts really bad, is that my little fig passed away....both of his hips were broken and he was in so much pain... i am glad i had him for a little while and I am glad my life was touched by this little man... I miss you Fig and thank you for being so sweet to me my dear.. has been kind of intense these last few days here at Early Bird Acres.... I will touch on those things at the end of my post...
But first, I wanted to share with you my list of things I plan on doing this Fall and my lovely outfit:)
This Fall I plan On:
*Going to an Apple orchard up north and picking my fair share for canning & baking:) Plus, taking the one partialy eaten by the cute worms for my handsome Donkey fred:)
*I want to go to a adorable pumpkin patch up near tulsa, On a Lamb farm:) It is called Shepard's Cross :) I did a lot of Photography there:)
*I want to try to finish these 5 quilts I have started... I am thinking about trying to even sell a few of them:)
*I want to spend quality time with my friends....go on weekend trips....go camping:) Lovely lovely lovely:)
*I want to break ground on my lovely lovely guest Cottage:)!!
*Prepare the farm for a horse:)
This Dress came from Anthropologie:)
It was on sale at Anthropologie, & I felt happier than a peach to find It:)
I accented it with my favorite belt to wear in the lovely hand made Horse belt with flower accents:)
I also wore one of my favorite necklaces:) It is a Buffalo Nickle Neclace...someone hand lovingly carved around the Buffalo on the necklace:) I just adore it....
It is the first day of Fall....lovely lovely fall:) But, one of my favorite parts about the Fall is the Indian Summer:) Even looking out my large windows right now, I see the epic light green rolling hills that are begging for a Picnic:) or for a horse to ride across it's surface:)
Oklahoma has the amazing ability to keep green even into the middle of November:) As long as we recieve the rain, the green will reside:) There is nothing better to feel that crisp fall upon the air of the morning and then enjoy a nice day where you can wear your summer dresses with cute cardigans .....
Speaking of Cardigans...I am looking for the perfect Cardigans for fall and winter....If you know of any, send me the link:)
But..I want a nice chunky one with moose or deer or horses or buffalos on it's surface:) if you find any, let me know:)
I will not go into big detail, But my baby kitty fig was ran over....ran over by me.....I am guessing he was frolicing towards my car as I was pulling away from the barn, & I did not see him....he is in the pet hospital right now and he lived through the night:) that makes me happier than a peach.....I just hope he pulls through...
I know accidents happen and I could not have known he was running towards me (he acts like a puppy dog sometimes:)....but you can not help but blame yourself....ya know...
The doctor thinks he might have a pelvic fracture...they are going to do X-Rays today.....he is still unable to use his back legs...
I just know that this Kitty has already claimed a large portion of my heart... he loves everyone and simply can not stand it if he is not close to you.... Luckily, he is a very vital kitty who might just have a few lives left...
I just ask you send your kind thoughts his cute way...
Here is my little darlin on a lovely Sunday morn..
Helloooo my little Gnomes, woodland creatures and people I call friends:)
This post today shall be short and sweet....Yesterday went lovely...I finished 2 pieces that I want to show you sooooo bad....but surprises are just so much fun.... I am going to hopefully finish with 3-4 other pieces today...they are not near as labor intensive as the pieces I finished yesterday.... But, the lovely creations shall be presented the night before the opening online:)
I am in the process of moving all of my tools and such over to the large old wood shop my great grandfather used ( i live on the same farm they homesteaded a long while ago)... I get kind of scared with every drawer I open, not knowing if there shall be a nest of spiders or a dead mouse or a family of living mice... who could jump out at me and force me to go and get a rabies shot (I already have had 2 tetanus shots while living here)....
But the cleaning up can also be fun...I find all kinds of interesting things...the progress shall be a post in it's self.... It just needs some elbow grease and possibly some help... if any of you kind souls wants to come down and help me, you are welcome too:)
..& remember, the tunes shall be played at every installation this fall and coming spring and most of the songs will be available on the album that comes with the poetry books and coffee table books:) The limited edition copies are available here:)