Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Need For Spring

Hello Gnomes and other lovely Darlin Dears,

I have a horrible time taking captures in the winter......

I work on plenty of big project such as poetry, books, quilts, instillations and now, a guest cottage....but with the lack of green and magical budding, I am not any good for capturing....

I am looking forward to THIS spring, more than any other...mostly because I have come to a point on the farm where I finally feel secure in establishing a full fledged and thriving garden....

In just a week, the ground will be tilled...

In just a few days, I will plant some spinach...

In just a few hours, I will create markers for my veggies....

I plan on selling at the Hobart Farmers Market this lovely shall be splendid....I am even getting back into the craft of hand milling my own flour for sale..... I sew up sacks out of pastoral cotton, as they did during olden times:)

But, until spring is here and in full swing, I have created an artistic package for you all:)

"The Need For Spring Package"

To read all about here my Darlin Dears:)

It is really very lovely:) so go take a gander!!:)


I wanted to start a new little blog bit.....I want to start capturing random images from around "Early Bird Acres" and post them often on my blog:) so here are a few...(and one from my birthday this past weekend in the city)..

Here is a corner of my desk:)

Here are some magnifying glasses for a soon to be project of mine :)

...& here is me kissing a baby Pygmy goat while up in lovely OKC for my birthday:) Thank you Hayley and Matt :)

...& thank you to all my friends and family that made my birthday a very special one....(Sam Crain...I am already using my book..I built a window flower bed this morn, with help from my Donkey Fred)....

So..I wish you all a lovely lovely Week and I shall be in touch very soon my loves:)

Cheers, Beards & Banjos

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

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