Monday, March 21, 2011

For My Side:)

Hello my sweet Darlin dears and peach ladden trees:)

I hope you are all having a lovely Monday. I am currently researching new types of fencing and such for my soon to be goats. I am also adding lovely new art to my website:)

"For My Side Part I"

I had been dreaming of nine pound not ask me why.... maybe because I can appreciate a man who can drive a nail or build a house from the ground up:) Maybe because I adore Charlie Bowman and his enchanting song "Nine Pound Hammer":) I adore Merle Travis's version though...that man can pick his way into my heart boy howdy:)

I am excited about my new captures this spring... I have so many sketches littering my laundry lines I can barley contain myself:)

"For My Side Part II"

Here are some other items that just appeared in the store:)

"Just Written Part I"

"Just Written Part II"

There are many more, But I will save those for another time:)

I wish you all a lovely day and I send more love than a word can contain your way:)

Cheers, Beards & Banjos

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

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