Friday, November 4, 2011

A Fall Quilt:)

Hello my Darlin Dears, The meadow creatures who help me sew my quilts & the Gnomes who helped me drink a whole wooden keg of spiced cider today:)

Miss Lamb your Strawberry of the fall farmer here,

Do any of you folks have a very special quilt you like to use in the fall?:)

I sure do:)

I stitched it about 3 years ago when I was trapped in my house for a whole week and a half because of snow:) It has a lot of memories :)

I definitely encourage seasonal quilts....this coming spring, I want to sew a Strawberry themed quilt:) Vintage strawberry print squares, lots of greens, creams and reds:)

What is your favorite quilt?:)

...I send kisses to your forehead:)

Chester Pigs, Jersey Cows & one Canary named Gus

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

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