Monday, August 15, 2011

Baby Pumpkins & Raised Beds my love:)

Helllooooo my Darlin Dears, Fellow lovers of life, Meadow creatures that nest in my mess of hair & the Gnomes who found it practical to use my goat as transportation,

Miss Lamb your peach picking & Dill pickle making Farmer here:)

Ooooohhh my goodness gracious:)

My pumpkins are simply doing wonderful!!!

After a whole inch of rain and a few days of the temp staying below 105, even the baby pumpkins are trying to make it:)

....& the givers of honey are really taking a liking to all of those lovely blossoms :)

My second pumpkin bed is looking glorious:)

I am raising 5 different breeds of pumpkins, including one all white pumpkin :)

I have great help in the animal help for the day was mostly Buster..

He sits patiently at my side while I pick weeds and examine vines for pumpkins that are on the verge of turning into carriages :)

But cotton did test my in-progress raised beds for walk-ability...

...I look forward to this new bed being done....just a few more layers of hay and manure to go:) Then I shall plant heirloom carrots and some fall gourds :)

But then, cotton got to tired and went to rest on the porch:)

...I also pose you a question my Darlin Dears...

Isn't it funny how water becomes heavy when you put a bucket around it:)

....& just to let you know, my newest set of images is now for sale online:)

"Naming Our Children After Trees Part I"

...there is also part II & III :)

I hope you all have a lovely lovely week, and send your kind growing thoughts to my pumpkins If you please:)

Hard Work, Cherry Pie & Eating bird by lamp light,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

P.s.... A big happy birthday to two of the sweetest people i know:)

My lovely friend Miss Sam Crain
(I always wanted to use this photo for something)

...& my little brother Ben Jamin :)

(he is on the left)

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