Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Full Moon:)

Hello my Darlin Dears, wonderful meadow creatures that linger into the still hours of night and you precious Gnomes who guide me back to bed when I have been sleep walking,

Miss Lamb your wolf of the meadow & milk maid of the Morn here,

Milking has been going fantastic thus far with Ohio:)

Coriander sits around, or runs through the group of chickens that gather to peck at the stray bits of grain:)

A very cute site actually... he really does frolic:)

In addition, since I am sure you all want to know, I got a pair of Sunglasses...

I really do not wear Sunglasses, but these were just to cute to pass up:)


27 is a very special #...& it also happens to be my age...

I am working on a series of poems based off of my study of Wolves & my time in the meadow... I hope to share with you all these various poems as I write them... I would love your feedback:)

"Full Moon"

Hunter whole-hearted, A Wolf well spoken she sings
The half moon found in the curve of her side
Laying amongst the harvest of the Full

A Cold wind sweeps the whole of the Stemmed Blue
Needed Thunder and warm Red embroidered upon the night
The Doe and the Buck find form of Full amongst the Hay

On looking tree’s filled with Sap beacon the sweet
Complete crowns of Strawberries wrap every blanketed word
Sacks of Grain Laden lay Full and flowing from the fields

A Hunger quenched upon the ground well seen
Fox and Hair found within a night of harvest Glean
The maid runs through cloth the Full pail of Milk made Clean

(It is based off of my study of the Moon's different names)

With that, I wish you all a lovely day & I look forward to chit chatting very soon,

Cream, Caring & Coriander,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

Monday, July 30, 2012

Pigs do like apple pie:)

Hello my Darlin dears, wonderful meadow creatures that abide in the old oak & you wonderful Gnomes who are trying to get me to go with them to Kentucky to met some of their relatives,

Miss Lamb you farmer of the fields and lover of the land here,

I wanted to share with you the newest installment of my farm life over at OKC.net :)

I fun little look into the history of EBA, and my current events...

I had a lovely time writing it:)

Enjoy darlin dears!!

Plus, read this article over at Red Dirt Chronicles.. it is old, but I like it:)

Ferns, The Fanciful & the hope for Rain,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

Friday, July 27, 2012

Streams & Cottage Fences

Hello my darlin dears, wonderful meadow creatures that sing from nests under the eve & you adorable gnomes who want to help me by brushing the sheep,

Miss Lamb your lady of the land Farmer here,

I wanted to share with you some new art:)

Busy times here at EBA... milking three times a day & building lots of fence:) more to come soon:)

I sure as the morn love you...

Lanterns, Ladles & Love,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Blueberry Season:)

Hello my darlin dears, sleepy meadow creatures the revel in the morning fog & you helpful Gnomes who are magically producing shipping pallets for my farm use (sorry any local businesses that are missing palettes... Gnomes have no sense of ownership),

Miss Lamb your farmer of the hills and hollers here,

It is sadly the end of Blueberry season here in Oklahoma, but not the end of the season for other lovely states (Oregon is for lovers... & future Blueberries)...

But here is a nice memento or preview for your Blueberry needs:)

What do you think?:)

I sure as the day love you...

Orchards, Lovers & picking baskets full of veggies,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Forked Up... Isn't it?:)

Hello my darlin dears, wonderful meadow creatures that chase the cabbage butterflies around the tall grass & you hilarious Gnomes who like to sleep next to Coriander and sing him Gnome lullaby songs,

Miss Lamb your farmer of the fanciful and satisfy-er of agrarian needs here,

I wanted to share with you folks a website I enjoy frequenting for it's farm updates and to the point journalism :) It is connected with GOOD magazine and is a very lovely series..

Read it!!:)

How are all of your gardens doing my dears?:) Anything exciting going on at your own homesteads?:)

I send a kiss to each of your foreheads:)

Sheep, Pastures & picnicking amongst it's height,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

Monday, July 16, 2012

It's A Boy:)!!

Hello my darlin dears, wonderful meadow creatures that feed on wild grain & you adorable gnomes that patiently watch the wild grape vines swell & swell ( yes...I promise... We will harvest when they are ready !!:)

Miss Lamb your lover of lavender & cream farmer here,

I am happy to announce, this Past very early Saturday morn, Ohio gave birth to a healthy little boy!!:)

Welcome to the world Coriander:)

I am just so proud of her... she is a great mother:)

I will keep you up to date on all the ongoings of her new baby.... he likes to chase chickens and kiss my nose (just like Ohio)...

We send our love..

I am just soooooo excited!!:)

..you are so loved my darlin dear:)

Making Cheese, spreading hay & frolicing baby cows,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Farm Bill Meeting:)

Hello my darlin Dears, wonderful meadow creatures that hide in the love grass & you wonderful Gnomes who are helping me finish up with carrot harvest & spreading a fresh bed of hay in the barn for Ohio's soon to be baby,

Miss Lamb your lady of the land & meadow meanderer farmer here,

So... the oh so important meeting concerning the Farm Bill was this past Wednesday :) At the lovely Oklahoma headquarters for Congressman Frank Lucas

It went really... really... well:) I brought them Eggs...

All of our issues were heard, talks of heritage cattle & pigs was laughed over...Wendell Berry was kindly spoke of.... I actually remembered over half of the abbreviations and full names for the different programs in the Farm Bill, and talk about them in detail!!

I just wanted to do my best to represent the Young Farmers of Oklahoma & beyond....

I appreciate every letter that was put into the pond of amazing words for Lucas:)

Your words were heard & well received... very poignant letters my love:)

(pictured above is Garret King- Ag Liaison for Lucas)

Classic "Handing over of the letters" capture:)

In addition, read this lovely story written by Mountain View native & Hobart resident, James Vernard. All about the CSP program:)


Things are well on the farm.... just really busy with pen building, cottage garden creating, barn cleaning & future planning:)

We are all still waiting very patiently for Ohio to have her Calf... here udders began to swell about 5 days ago, so any day now!!:)

Do you folks have any suggestions for flowers for the new Cottage Garden?:) Oklahoma weather tolerant?:)

I promise to keep yall up to date:)

I send a kiss to each of your foreheads....

Eggs, lace dresses and skirts turning into baskets,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A simple Letter:)

Hello my darlin dears, wonderful meadow creatures that adore the morning sunshine & you comical gnomes who have been trying to braid Gus Gus's wool....he does not appreciate that,

Miss Lamb your lady of the mountains & wader of the waters farmer here,

Goodness gracious...I have been writing up a storm. Writing for various publications, writing about my passion for farming....

...& dreaming that you folks, my darlin dears, will write...

The deadline is Monday for the Letter to Lucas project. 

What I am asking of you right now is in the least compose a letter about your passion of farming &/or your passion for whole-hearted and Sustainable food...

...then attach a picture of your self farming or just smiling:) I want to put a face with words:)

email it to: earlybirdacres@gmail.com

.......I will send you a response to let you know I got it:)!!

read more about it here

I will lovingly collect these, and hand deliver them folks...

I encourage you to act, because If you do not, a voice for sustainable farming & the support for young farmers will be lost..

I sure as the day love you....

Eggs, Evergreen & You,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It is GOOD:)

Hello my darlin dears, young meadow creatures that like to sleep in the Carrot patch & you adorable Gnomes who are approaching me with many a plans for my cottage fence in front of the house,

Miss Lamb your lady of the land & Farmer of the fields here,

Happy 4th of July, & I hope the thunder storms shall be rolling in:)

I wanted to share with yall a really great article I was included in this past week through GOOD Magazine….  I am very happy to be amongst these various kind hearted and hard working farmers…

Have fun looking through all of their names and be sure to check out their operations my loves… it is all very exciting…

In addition, a few of these farmers were also included in a new book that I am also in called “Greenhorns, The Next Generation Of American Farmers: 50 Dispatches from the New Farmers Movement” …

Haha…I guess my favorite thing about it right off the bat is the tiny seed lustration in the corner that grows into plant…. You can as sure as the day get it through Amazon or one of your local bookstores, but if you get it through my site, you also receive a magnifying glass and a packet of Wild Flower Seeds from Early Bird Acres…

Now isn’t that fun?

It was a very productive weekend… the sheep pasture had its paddocks extended and I rolled around in Blueberries!!

…& So did Wolf..

I hope you are all having a lovely week and I look forward to getting your “Letters To Lucas” to add to my growing packet of Oklahoma Love!!

Did you know I love you, & so do Baby Buffalos?

Prairie, Raw Milk & You laying the length of me while picking flowers & hay from my hair,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Buck Moon:)

Hello my Darlin Dears, wonderful meadow creatures that love to spend time in the love Grass & you adorable Gnomes that have been weaving be crowns of hay & wild carrot flowers:)

Miss Lamb your Farmer of Cream & Honey here,

Oh my goodness gracious.... 

Per usual, a full moon has come along and I find myself waking up outside.... actually, a soft duck wing resting across the curve of my hip woke me up. 

As many of you know, I am working on a new series called "A Creature Of The Meadow, A Girl Who Is A Wolf"....

I have been inspired of course by my habit to turn into a Wolf at night....

Any given Full Moon, especially on the bright nights, you can find me running through the pastures:) 

I have been talking to Wolves for a very long time:) here is me as a young child talking to a Wolf... I was out picking Berries... Barefoot as Usual....

But tonight... is the Buck Moon...
Otherwise known as the Thunder Moon (popular time for heavy Thunder storms...

I can anticiapte the Animals to act up & for me to yet again wake up in the Garden...

The last Honey moon this past June I woke up covered in flowers and had a rather large Bear Cub curled up at my side....& in Kentucky:)

I ask of you all to celebrate the Full Moons and you are welcome to look up the dates for the Full Moons in the Farmers Almanac :)

Speaking of stories...

I have started writing a new segment for OKC.net my loves, & my first story just came out... it was a sad evening, a long evening & a learning evening....

I send my love to you fellow Wolves out there, and fellow creatures of the meadow:)

....& send a kiss to every forehead:)

Ponds, Posies & Passion,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

Monday, July 2, 2012

Coriander & Caring

Hello my darlin dears, wonderful meadow creatures that abide in the sheep pasture & you very helpful Gnomes that help me pick off the tiny Coriander seeds from the Cilantro stalk,

Miss Lamb your girl of the mountains & very green farmer here,

Goodness gracious…. I sure as the day had a feeling…

I made a little adventure up to lovely OKC for Sunday, but no sooner did I finish a late Lunch did I haft to race home because I just knew Ohio was going into labor…

When I brought Ohio to EBA a year and a few months ago, I was told by the woman who brought her into this world and who also helped Ohio with her first calf, that she stays in Labor for quite a while…. & just as I expected, not much more has happened except for her loosening a bit more in the back (sorry folks…it is just what happens & it is just what you think:)

The Father to Ohio’s new baby is Waldo…. A very stout and muscular mini Black Angus… a lowline black Angus if you willJ That is what my parents raise… Lowline cattle.. They brought Waldo down here to run with Ohio for a while, and as sure as the day, he did his Job:)

I am hoping for a girl, but I will be happy with whatever…

If it is a girl, I will name her Wisconsin, & if it is a boy, I will name him Coriander ….for short it will be Winnie & Cor …..

I will keep you all up to date on the baby calf, & lets just all hope for a happy family very soon!!


Speaking of Coriander, I wrote a new article for Twenty-Something magazine called “Coriander & Caring” & I am very excited about it… in it, I simply speak the truth about food and every persons involvement with it in this sweet old world… Yall should go check it out…. Here is an Expert…

“Taking interest in a everyday thing such as food should not be something nonchalant in these days of change and big-time farmers that flood our society with foods that should never go in ones diet. I want your hands to be covered in earth. Every individual should take interest in the young farmers of your state (mind you… you do not haft to be young to be a young farmer. I know an 87 year young woman who is a young farmer) and encourage whole-hearted practices, because this is YOUR food I speak of. This is your future that we are tilling and tending. These acres will be feeding and fueling your children’s future.”

…& It is not to late to help me out with my “Letter To Lucas” project…read more about it here my loves…

I hope you are all having a lovely day and I send a kiss to each of your foreheads…

Foraging, Frolicing & Friends that love your cooking,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb