Monday, August 1, 2011

The Cherry Tree In The East Pasture:)

Hellooooo my Darlin Dears, meadow creatures that adore found walnuts & my precious Gnomes who stiched me a quilt yesterday out of stolen Laundry,

Miss Lamb your lover of life and cherry picking farmer here,

Today, I wanted to talk to you a bit about another one of my dreams.... & that is to live next to a orchard:)

Is that so hard to ask?:)

If someone was a darling, they would adventure out here and plant me one while I sleep, so I could awake to new trees that were planted out of love (cough cough Gnomes)...

I have had many adventures as of late in cherry trees:)

..& this was my produce:)

"The Cherry Tree In The East Pasture"

But then my precious bear discovered my basket....but I did invite him to the picnic :)

What I ask of you today, is imagine a quality of a place you would like to live, and strive for that:) Maybe you want lovely hardwood floors..maybe you want a pond...maybe you want large arched windows....maybe you want a castle...

Go for it my Darlin Dears:)

Accidently Bleaching your sock (I am sorry...but you must was funny when you said "That is not my sock" and I said "Yes it is...I just accidently bleached it"), petting the Wolf & seeing my future herb garden just outside my window

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

1 comment:

Lyndall said...

I dream of living next to an orchard too. Apples, peaches, and cherries! Someday ♥