Saturday, December 24, 2011

So Far, But Always Near

Helllllooooo my sweet Darlin Dears, those handsome meadow creatures who are making homes in my Christmas tree and wreaths & those hilarious gnomes who stayed up all night and made self portraits out of sugar cookies & fed me some sort of tree sap when I could sleep do to my horrible cold,

Miss Lamb your fancy baked Mac and cheese farmer here (with my own cheese of course!!)

Well, I was happier than a peach to return home from my OKC/Tulsa adventure to find a whole pickup cab full of packages (the lovely and amazing mail woman ran out of room in the mailbox, so she filled up the cab of my old white Chevy with packages and letters)

Ohhhh so sweet letters…

Amazing cards full of glitter (yes…you got me back Miranda….Glitter is all over my dinning room and on Harold)

Over 700 Handkerchiefs!!! Yes…700…I stayed up and counted them:)

…& my favorite package, because it came with an adorable message :)

…& A Wendell Berry book from my Amazon wish list sent to me from a secret admirer (who ever you are out there, thank you….I appreciate your kind gesture)

Communication is a lovely thing…in addition, even the lack of communication can be a good thing…there is nothing I adore more than meeting up with one of my friends I have not seen in ages and catching up with life and such…Smiles that can illuminate a room and laughs that add a whole new echo to every corner:) Living in a cottage far away from any of my friends makes this scenario play out often…

For Christmas, I wanted to write a few words for a few of my best friends in this sweet old world..

The Lovely Jenny…

Ooohhh my writing friend…oh my best friend…. Well, we do have matching tattoos☺ You surprise me around every turn… you seem to know your friends better than they know themselves, and I am overjoyed you are in my life ☺ I miss you all the time and I am glad we both liked Minus The Bear :)

The Amazing Caitlin…

You my dear are the hardest worker I know. You love your friends and family very well and are willing to sacrifice anything you posses for them. We are going to miss you when you leave for your internship, but what a better opportunity to have a team birthday meet-up in a foreign country!!:)

The inspiring Sam….

How is it possible, in this sweet old world, someone can be so tried and true… True, with Miss Crain, is the key word. I have known you the longest out of most of my good friends, and since the second we met, you have made me see the truth in myself and everything around me. I look forward to our many years together and just know that I am always here for you (I hope you liked my cheesy speal☺

I really do, as sure as the morn, love you ladies:)

Egg Nog, Barrels of Apples (or peaches) & Spreading the holiday cup of Cheer,

Yours Truly,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

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