Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Apples That Grew:)

Hello my Darlin Dears, wonderful meadow creatures whom help me collect firewood for the winter & the funny little Gnomes who woke me up this morn with Hot Cocoa (gosh I love hot cocoa)..

Miss Lamb your changing with the seasons farmer here:)

Well, we have made it through Earthquakes, Tornadoes & Floods in the last 48 hours...I am not even joking as crazy as it sounds:)

...& I am creating lots of art of course:)

....& I had a bit of fun with my new Bio picture:)

All of my bio pictures crack me up because I always seem to be on the brink of laughing... I just cant help it:)

I keep on freaking myself out though in the mirror every time I catch myself in it.... Got myself really good two night ago when I was letting out one of the dogs and checking on the cows... It was very late... I went back inside & heard the door open on the other side of the house.... I crept into the other room and turned the corner to only jump out of my skin when I saw red hair... but it was just me:)

I am looking forward to working very hard on my pieces for a show I have coming up at Cuppies & Joe on the 18th of Nov.:)

It is harvest themed :)

You should come:) it lasts from 6-10 pm:)

Did you know that I love you?:)

The Morning, Embroidery & Bears that love me so,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb