Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Crain & Lamb in their natural Habitat :)

Hello my Darlin dears, wonderful meadow creatures who cradle their newly layed eggs close & you comical gnomes whom are standing underneath the chickens while they roost..... waiting for the "spring chicken" to come out,

Miss Lamb your girl of the grazers farmer here,

This past weekend, I had one of my very best friends out to the farm, Miss Samantha Crain, & we had a lovely time:)

I took lots of captures, but for now I will only post a few:)

Her wonderful Finace John Calvin took a few captures of us:)

....& I took some captures of them:)

We ate, we froliced, we played, we lingered amongst the thriving green, we truly felt spring lived with our youth and tones...

I will post more about my weekend very soon, including the construction of the lovely pasture and tiny lamb stable, but for now just know I love you:)

I send a kiss to each of your foreheads :)

Hills, Hollers & pea vines that grew out of the garden and are trying to look into my window,

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

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