Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Listening To Your Words Through Your Breathing

Helloooo my light filled Darlin Dears:)

Isn't it funny how you can carry on a conversation with somebody (possibly a boy??:) while you are lying on their chest, and not only do you hear their heartbeat against your own pulse and cheek, but their words become so much richer....I was reminded of this little lovely recently on a drive.... just one of those life-giving and realizing conversations you have in this sweet old world...

There is a farm I mention from time to time on my blog that I enjoy going to, if I feel as if the parts of life I wish were not there and would have never came about within my world are trying to win....Of course i will not go into my personal narative of the last few months, but just know things have been tough all around.... There are parts of life that I haft to fight for and constantly in this world I feel the need to prove things

..... I need to prove to people how amazing life really is....How they each have the world circling around their temples if they just took the time to spot those loving constellations that flickr in every eye.... I need to prove to people the horrible mistakes they are making and do truly realize them, but choose to go ahead with the possible greener grass just over that new hill... I haft to prove to myself that I am a strong woman who can do anything I put my mind to...make my dreams come true because I was given the chance to live...simply live.....

........Ignore those Stop signs and warning lights that try to partition one life to another....

.......As funny as it sounds, I am the most trusting person and also the most untrusting person there is.... Trust is the coral for any wild horse...

But.... things have just been heavy on my mind.... a belief that feels heavy in the morn and then light as a pillow by the eve... A tiredness of heat when there is none...

I know this all sounds very obscure, but so is the light dancing on the trees through the leaves... you let the obscure illuminate and hope you shall be even more lovely for it...

....& speaking of light on trees, here is the farm that I have found to be a place of peace:)

Title: "Listening To Words Through Your Breathing"

It is just 5 miles outside of Gotebo and i find it to be endless Inspiration... I hope one day soon to do an depth post about it, but for now just love on the tiny sites....

The trees here are my favorite part..their are not many big trees in my parts, so here is where I go to stare at leaves and picnic:)

People often ask me why I picnic by myself so much...

Well.....the truth is, no one seems to want to take the time to go on picnics anymore.... I adore it when my friends from the city come down and Picnic with me....enjoy it all.... but no one really seems to take the initiative....

Don't get me wrong...this is not a sad thing.... I am happier than a peach to Picnic by myself or with Harold my darlin dear pup... but it is a realistic thing....

Here is another version:)

Plus..... A quick snapshot of myself while on this Picnic:)

I had been collecting wood all day for some projects, so ignore my disheveled self:) actually...I look as if I have been slightly mauled by a bear most of the time actually:)


Here is....

A few things that I love as of lately:)

I simply need this cape!!:)

This fencing:)

Classy and Safe:)

What a dream!!!:)

These are all dreams of course...& everything will have it's time....maybe after Holland things financially will become illuminated and real:)

Welllllll my loves....I hope you all have a lovely week & we shall be talking soon:)

Cheers, Beards & Your early smile

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

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