Monday, September 27, 2010

The Ardent Sparrow my loves:)

I have the pleasure this week of being the featured artist on "The Ardent Sparrow" and I am just happier than a peach about this:)

We are doing a giveaway of a 8x10 or smaller print:) Lovely Lovely:)

I found this amazing blogger (Rebecca) a while back when I followed her information after she purchased one of my coffee table books:) I instantly sent her a message of love love love and then we chit chatted about meadow me doing a Giveaway on her adorable blog:)

My favorite post as of far is this one about Bed Nooks:)

I just wanted to share this with you all and know I adore you..I wish you were all here with me right now in the meadow eating Tomato Bisque soup and Havarti Cheese:)

Cheers, Beards & Sparrows

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb


Elizabeth - said...

Oh, how I love Havarti cheese <3

Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb said...

Elizabeth- I adore cheese in general :)!!

Today on the menu is goat cheese:)