Monday, February 20, 2012

...Oh I am so honored & Happier than a peach:)

Hello my Darlin Dears, wonderful meadow creatures that sing me into the early hours of morn & those helpful gnomes who are helping me build a worm bin (more worms...better garden:),

Miss lamb your Lavender loving farmer here:)

I was honored as of recent to be featured in the Oklahoman, which is the state wide newspaper here in this lovely state of mine:)

The amazing BAM wrote the story, & she received oh so kind quotes from everybody too the gallery owner Glenn Filmore, to the director of OVAC Julia Kirt :) I just could not believe it...

here is a link to the article & again, thank you Brandy :)

Pot Roast, sweet basil whom I loved & making things better by dropping it on the ground:)

Miss Samantha Joelle Honey Lamb

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